Alcohol Treatment
1. What is the most effective treatment for alcohol addiction?
I don't think there is one box that fits all. The course of care and treatment has to be individualized in order to achieve long-term results and positive outcomes. For someone struggling with alcohol addiction, I believe it's best to start with detoxification to aid in keeping the individual medically safe and stable then continuing at a lower level of care to begin identifying underlying core issues that have perpetuated the alcohol use and begin treating such. It is proven that when an individual addresses the "core issue" and makes a daily commitment to do the work it takes to maintain sobriety, individuals are able to achieve
long-term sobriety. It is also proven that group therapy is a highly effective intervention, specifically because it allows for peer-to-peer feedback, relatable connections, support, and accountability.
The recovery rate from alcohol use has been documented in the United States to be estimated at 10-30% of individuals who fully recover from alcoholism. Evidence shows that an individual who completed full continuum of treatment and has separation from environment to include people, places, and things have a higher success rate than those who remain in their same environment with contact to the same people, places, and things that were present during active use. Evidence also shows that individuals who commit to an aftercare plan and stay consistent have a higher success rate than those who don't follow through post-treatment. Treatment is the first step but it's one willingness to continue the daily work post treatment that will lead to long-term success. The data we have collected at Agape Treatment Center revealed that individuals who participate in trauma-informed care, participating in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) or Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT) in conjunction with other treatment modalities were able to maintain sobriety than those who didn't participate in trauma-informed care. In other words, if one just treats the symptom (alcohol use) the success rates are lower than if one treats the "core issue" which caused the symptom of alcohol use.
such as Naltrexone / Vivitrol are also proven to help support relapse
2. What are different options for treatment?
Detoxification, Residential,
Day/Night Partial Hospitalization (PHP), Intensive Outpatient (IOP), and Outpatient
(OP). It is recommended to begin with Detoxification and complete all levels of
care for the best outcomes. Also, important to note that there are several
12-Step Programs and others to support the recovery process. Treatment should
include clinical, medical, and social interventions, changes, resources.
3. Examples of Treatment Plans:
Treatment Plans are to be individualized with
appropriate identified problems, goals and objectives. Each objective should
include a target date and the intervention(s) being used to achieve the
objectives should have a frequency of use applied. Identified needs typically
focus on Substance Use Disorder, Relapse Proneness, Trauma or Underlying Core
Issues, Aftercare Plans, and also daily activities or new habits that support
overall wellness in mind, body, and spirit.
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